Jezebel in our Society

Jezebel, in our society

“But I have this against you, that you let the woman Jezebel say she is a prophet [claiming to be inspired] and give false teaching, making my servants go after the desires of the flesh and take food offered to false gods.” (Rev 2:20)
[1 Kings 16:31; 2 Kings 9:22,30.]
Who was Jezebel??
Jezebel was an actual person. Jezebel, the Biblical character, first appears in First Kings 16, when she marries Ahab, king of Israel. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. Baal worship was closely associated with obsessive sensuality and often involved sex acts. Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence.

Ahab, King of Israel, was completely subdued and dominated by Jezebel (a type of modern man). Jezebel then introduced the worship of Ashtoroth to Israel. This god/goddess, represented the Canaanite culture of the moon, was a power-hungry goddess of love and sensuality. Priestess-prostitutes filled her shrines and serviced her worshippers. The lure of these legal, readily available erotic encounters was more than the men of Israel would resist. By Jezebel’s influence, most Israelites, the northern kingdom, left the worship of God for Baal and Ashtoroth. The prophet Elijah laments that only 7000 men in the entire nation were not swayed by her control.

Ashtoroth or Asteroth for the Philistine was the same as the Semite Astarte, both modelled from the Babylonian Ishtar, Her other counterparts are Isis and Hathor of Egypt, Kali of India, and Aphrodite and Demeter of Greece. The Roman counterpart was Diana the same as in Act 19:35. Indeed the same goddess in these days goes by the name of Mary.

The Council of Ephesus, 431 AD had the cult of Diana the virgin goddess (in Greek = Artemis, in Phoenician = Astarte, her cult continued in Ephesus until 431) supplanted by the cult of Mary by the Roman Catholic Church to legitimise that Mary was the “mother of god” and the “mother of all” and not Diana that also had these attributes. They also gave to Mary all the other attributes of Diana such as: “queen of heaven” and “divine virgin” etcetera. Before 431 AD Mary was not recognized and so they effectively paganised Christianity at Ephesus and Diana, still alive, had her name changed to that of Mary.

What kind of spirit
The Jezebel spirit is born of witchcraft and rebellion. This demon is one of the most common spirits in operation today, both in the church and in the world, and it is a powerful enemy of the body of Christ. She operates freely on sincere believers whose hearts are for God individually, and has also attained positions of power as powers and principalities within the Church. This spirit establishes its stronghold primarily in women; however, many men have been victimized by it as well, where it functions as a “controlling” spirit.
The spirit of Jezebel is behind the daughter of Democracy, i. e. Feminism.

The Spirit of Jezebel is basically a controlling spirit working through the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. It has, in general, two aims:

To gain identity, glory, recognition, power, and satisfy the need for the “praises of men”. This is a consequence of the desire for love and self-worth focussed on SELF.
Secondly the Jezebel spirit is a men hater and seeks to emasculate all men, and divest them of their authority and power over others. It fosters a distrust and hatred of men in general. The “Jezebel spirit” is in a constant agitation, terribly aggressive, very determined, callous, controlling, selfish, power-hungry, manipulative, unrepentant, deceitful spirit, an overwhelmingly evil spirit, and those are mostly only it’s good points! Indeed this spirit can be definitely named “Satan’s woman”.
There are two main types of the Jezebel spirit:

The high-profile type is generally gregarious, outspoken and highly visible. She is often seen as the “woman who wears the pants in the family”.
The low-profile type is soft-spoken, giving the illusion of being solicitous, motherly, protective, even appearing very submissive. The low-profile type may be the most dangerous, as she is the most difficult to discern. She relies heavily on manipulation for her power, in extremely subtle performances.
Some Characteristics
Within these two main types there are two manifestations: the SEDUCER and the COOL.
The SEDUCER uses any type of seduction available to gain control and power, as a method of manipulation but specialises in spiritual seduction to operate on both males and females. Her seduction usually uses subtle flattery and her seduction is spiritual fornication. Men are particularly blind and easy victims to the subtleties of this seduction, as she flatters them with her attention. Women seduced by the Jezebel are blinded to their own seduction, as they do not expect it, or are not aware of such manipulation.
A good example of the COOL Jezebel personality can frequently be seen as the efficient (and often plain) executive assistant at the side of a powerful businessman or church leader. This Jezebel often lacks a gregarious personality, but may be very outspoken and aggressive.
Some of this spirit’s features:

This spirit works in “private”, people outside her circle hardly know her manoeuvring and are an easy pray for manipulation. Those that are possessed by her tend to defend her from any form of criticism. Like many men today defend feminism.

Jezebel hates men and majors in destroying them. She cannot have a true Godly relationship with men; because her desire is to strip them of all their perceived power and then destroy them, to emasculate them emotionally and spiritually.

Jezebels revile (despise and show no respect for) authority over her. Building on “dislike of authority” (especially of men since they are frequently the authority figure) coupled with rebellion, she hates anyone placed in authority over her (particularly men), and seeks to destroy them and take their power. Jezebel sees herself as the “goddess on the pedestal”.

Jezebel is extremely power-hungry, respecting only power stronger than her own. She disdains or considers herself superior to anyone she perceives as having no power, or power less than hers. She works through her conquest to attain power over others.

This spirit from hell is very intelligent and finds very challenging to control and manipulate intellectually able people. She is able to manipulate them so well that actually they worship her.

Hard Worker
Jezebels are frequently “super achievers”, which sadly is admired both in the church and business world. She is also a master in hinder others to achieve anything, kind of: doing everything she can to prevent others achieving their set goals for then criticise them for not having achieved these aims.

Self Worship
Internally Jezebel worships herself even though externally she may portray a picture of humility and submission. She is very proud of herself and extremely vain, and in her pride can only talk about herself. They are usually very attractive and they use that to seduce their victims.

She cannot suffer other getting attention over herself and she will do all she can to prevent others receiving attention and recognition. If one gets between Jezebel and the person she is trying to control, she’ll attack most viciously, trying her best to destroy that relationship with that person. She will try and destroy his reputation, undermine his authority and generally stop at nothing to separate anyone from her intended “victim”. Beware!

Jezebel uses other people as objects, where it suits her need, to gain control, influence and power. Once she has gained the control desired, she generally rejects and tosses the people aside. If they are in her family, she does this emotionally.

Queen Bee
Jezebel demands worship from others (the “queen-bee” syndrome). She must have dominance and control in her home. Other family members exist just to please her. Jezebel requires “worship” from her family and followers … to be their “goddess”.

The Jezebel is extremely authoritarian (“bossy”) by nature, though subtly with the low profile type. She is easily offended if her authority is questioned, and will often respond with extreme anger at even the slightest offence. She demands blind loyalty.

Unrealistic Expectations of Others
Her expectations of others are always unrealistic, because others cannot meet her demand for complete submission. If they do try, she despises them and casts them aside when she has what she wants out of them. Anyone attempting to relate to a person with this spirit is literally in a “no-win situation”. Nothing pleases this spirit.

Perfectionism is a common characteristic of the Jezebel, generating self-hatred in the victim, and a despising of others around her who fail to meet her exaggerated standards. This is part of the “unrealistic expectations” she has toward herself and others, but it is also an excuse for disrespect toward others, especially those in authority since they don’t “measure up” so she doesn’t have to show respect, of course.

Seduction, Control, Manipulation
Control and manipulation are the strongest parts of the Jezebel nature. These are “spirits of witchcraft” and are extremely dangerous! Nearly everything the Jezebel does utilizes one or both spirits to attain her goal. Jezebel is the ultimate manipulator. The adulterous woman says: “This is the way of an adulteress: she eats and wipes her mouth and says, “I have done no wrong.”” (Pro 30:20)

The first step in Jezebel’s work is to control her victim by seduction. She will use flattery, smooth prophetic sayings, pleasant words and seducing tears. She views children in a marriage as tools and weapons to manipulate hubby and family.

She knows how to use deep emotional hurts and wounds to manipulate and control as she creates apparent deep ties with others. Jezebel loves to pull people unto herself and away from those who can truly speak into their lives. Jezebel flows best in a whirlwind of confusion and turmoil, where she works best.

Jezebel is like a shark; she is most vicious and dangerous. She circles the lives of others looking for teachable, seducible, controllable, “disciples” of her own. Jezebel likes to birth spiritual children of her own as she looks for disciples to eat from her own table. She will look for those that are in rebellion, who are weak, wounded, or those who are contending, bucking, and fighting any established spiritual authority.

Jezebel is very possessive and domineering; she wants to control over others. Jezebel loves power, “Give me, give me, give me.” You see, money is not really the issue with this spirit; it’s Power and Authority that she’s after. She likes to be in control of others life because she draws her strength from controlling others. She spiritually drains her victims. She uses faults or weaknesses she perceives in the person she is attempting to control to create feelings of shame or guilt, and therefore ultimately submission to her will. She also often uses fear and intimidation to manipulate others into submission to her.

She uses self-pity and her own weaknesses to manipulate another into submitting to her out of compassion or pity. Feeling sorry for Jezebel, is not compassion, it’s folly!
Even though often very gifted of the Lord, the Jezebel will frequently operate in the false discernment of the enemy by speaking words of knowledge gained from familiar spirits, and NOT from the Spirit of God. This is “witchcraft”. The power of witchcraft is derived from Satan himself and every attempt at manipulation or control “sells out” more to Satan and strengthens the deception the Jezebel is under
She will even use prayer to manipulate the one she is attempting to control, especially audible prayed over that person to create the illusion, that doing Jezebel’s will is actually “obeying God”, or to generate fear or other emotion within the person which the Jezebel can then use for manipulation of them.
This is what Rev 2:20 is all about.
Wants to Power
Jezebels are attracted to people of power like “moths to flames”. Often, a very intelligent, efficient, attractive, and even blatant Jezebel can be found serving “at the feet” of prominent leaders, even in the church. The deception and/or seduction of the Jezebel is often so successful that the leader does not recognize who is at his right hand. The Jezebel’s true desire is to wrest the power from the person being served. If that person is prophetic in nature, the actual mission is to destroy them by any means available (destroy their credibility, undermine their authority, discredit their ministry, cause them to fall into sexual temptation, etc.).

Jezebels are desirous of “moving up the ladder” wherever they are, not that ambition is always “evil”. It’s just another character trait to look for. However, you simply will not find a humble, repentant, democratic and non-ambitious Jezebel.

While Jezebel’s beliefs system is obviously incorrect and evil, they are very firmly held beliefs.
Jezebels are usually people of deep convictions. As mentioned earlier, many people controlled by the Jezebel spirit have a true heart for God and earnestly desire to serve him. The original Jezebel (the Spirit’s first noteworthy in queen of Israel) was devoutly religious, but was at total enmity with God. She worshipped at the altar of Baal (worship of the flesh). Modern day Jezebels may indeed believe they are serving the one true God; however, the true hidden agenda is “self-worship”. In many cases they have a Private Interpretation on the Bible, but they will vehemently insist they are correct.
Murmuring, Complaint, and Criticism
Murmuring and complaint and criticism a type of spirit very popular everywhere, especially in the church, which one of the spirit most used by the evil one. She uses criticism of perceived faults in others to build up her own self-esteem, and to justify her disobedience of, or lack of respect for, others. Because she tends to perfectionism, any fault she finds in others is grounds for disobeying their authority. She uses criticism as a tool to manipulate those around her, and along with murmuring and complaint, causes divisiveness to weaken her opposition and thereby to gain control over and to destroy them.

Jezebels are “lustful spirits” with lust for power being primary; however, as mentioned earlier, their lust may be manifested sexually, if it will bring the desired result. The manifestation varies from a wife withholding sexual union from the husband for manipulative purposes, to utilizing sexual temptation to draw one more powerful into a compromised position that will cause their destruction or downfall.
Jezebel displays angry, vicious and sometimes violent behaviour when opposed. She will turn on the one who refuses to do her will or submit to her (especially if she has been successful in manipulating this person in the past), frequently with a vicious, berating verbal attack aimed at humiliation. The emotional damage caused by these outbreaks can be devastating to the one at whom she directs her wrath. This is often the source of terrible emotional wounds for her children and spouse. When this angry behaviour happens in public, it often exposes the true spirit in operation to others who may have been previously deceived. Watch for it.
Infirmities and Disease
Jezebels frequently enjoy people’s (including their own) poor health, especially the “Low-profile” type. For them, it is a tool for attention, sympathy and other forms of manipulation. The tragedy is that this form of “invited infirmity” eventually leads to real physical problems, and becomes a part of the destruction wrought on the host by this spirit, but it serves to further Jezebel’s ends, not to weaken her.
Have you ever felt insecure? Be careful, Jezebel loves to delve in the realm of insecurity. She will spot this in you “instantly” and then the seduction begins.
In addition to destroying those around her, Jezebel especially hates the prey she is controlling (remember the mission of Jezebel is to kill the prophets: the victim is often herself anointed of God to be prophetic), and will ultimately cause her victim to self-destruct. This is referred to as the “Black Widow spider syndrome” since black widow spiders kill their mates. In the spirit realm, there are two applications: 1. the Jezebel spirit seeks to kill the male authority figures (or prophets) and 2. She seeks to kill her victim, which is mated to her when Jezebel takes control of their life.

Jezebels curse everyone, unwittingly bringing a curse upon themselves, most of the time. Criticism is a form of cursing, both of the person being criticized, and of God their Maker. Murmuring and complaint is a cursing of circumstances, which also curses God for allowing them. Jezebel is a master of criticism, murmuring and complaint, as mentioned previously. Often those whom she is at enmity with are deliberately cursed in a conscious effort to “punish” and “bring them back into line” to bring them back under her control. Jezebel firmly believes she has right on her side in doing these things, and displays vicious and callous disregard for the well-being and independence of others, having convinced herself that it is ultimately for their good as well and that she knows best and really has their best interests at heart in doing so. Those people who have been on the receiving side of Jezebel’s curses feel the anger and the viciousness other curses acutely and many succumb to them. However, for those under the “protection of the Cross”, these curses are most often transformed into blessings instead, leaving Jezebel sapped of emotional energy, frustrated, confused and completely defeated; wondering what went wrong?

Superiority Complex
Jezebels frequently perceive themselves as intellectually and spiritually superior to others, and “talk down ” to others. This attitude is actually despising of others.
The Jezebel Spirit absolutely hates and shuns Repentance and Humility.
Because the Jezebel spirit is prideful and rebellious, she hates repentance and humility. These are two mighty weapons, which can be used against her. This is also the key in discerning this spirit -a pride-filled rebellious person refusing to repent.
Jezebel and Fashion
Jezebel is very much attracted to the latest fashion in dressing and she dresses up to demonstrate superiority and literally to “kill”.
Bitterness and Resentment
Bitterness and resentment against past hurts and offences are nurtured in the victim by the Jezebel spirit, because she knows a root of bitterness will grow like a cancer and manifest itself in all sorts of physical ailments, which she can use as tools of manipulation, as noted above. Of course, this cancer of bitterness is also slowly destroying the victim. In many cases, the countenance of the victim gradually grows more and more unattractive, and in the end, victims controlled by the Jezebel spirit may resemble the very witch like crones often used to symbolize witchcraft -where this spirit is birthed. The victim rots from the inside out, physically and spiritually, and it shows. People eventually find Jezebel’s “Spiritual ugliness” very repulsive.

Jezebel Covens
Many Jezebels will be drawn to the most influential Jezebel in operation. Though this is done unconsciously, it has the effect of creating a fully-fledged and very effective witches’ coven, with a “high priestess” in charge with devastating results! You can see them spread all over the country in the Feministic organisations.

Jezebel and Children:
Jezebel’s view of children is perverted. She says she loves them, but she really doesn’t even know how to love them, using them as weapons to advance her own selfish needs. Children are simply pawns in her power and control games. Indeed the trend now all over the Western world is to have very few children, if any. A Jezebel Feminist said: “The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Jezebel is a classic “Back-stabber”:
Jezebel is the classic back-stabber, She will smile at you, give you a hug and a kiss and then, as soon as you turn-around, stab you in the back, repeatedly, with vigour, enjoying every wound she inflicts. She is a most vicious and devious spirit. Beware.
This, just to mention only a few of the characteristics of this very evil spirit from Hell.

What about the Spirit of Ahab?
One thing to be noted in these days is that in general there are more women in church than men. This occurs when the “spiritual and natural” head of the family is the women. Men have the tendency to “run to the hills” when women infringe upon their roles.
The spirit of Ahab is a weak and emasculated figure, indeed the majority of modern men are under that spirit, enslaved to their women. There is an adage that says: “There are two kind of people in this world: those who rule and those that are ruled, if you do not rule you are ruled”.

The couple Jezebel and Ahab represent very well our present society.

It is Jezebel that was the more spiritual, it was her that took the leading role, Jezebel used Ahab’s emotional stresses to endear herself to him, it was this woman that drove her husband to do what she wanted, she was ruling the roost in every aspect. Is not that a picture of our Democratic culture?

But what happens when the woman takes the leading role that God had prescribed for men?

If a woman plays her husband’s role in directing the family, he will lose his natural drive to bear responsibility.
When a woman takes the lead, she is playing the masculine role. Unless her husband fights her for supremacy, he must assume second place. And men who are forced into subjection to their wives tend to be angry, dejected and retreat like Ahab.
When a husband steps into a spiritual role at his wife’s command, he becomes vulnerable to her guidance in that role. This is against God’s directives and the nature He gave, and often brings conflict in the family and in the church.
Many men turn their heads when they see their wives stepping out of their God given role. These men would rather not have to deal with the stone-cold anger they would receive from their wives if they offered any resistance. Have you seen that behaviour here and there?
Ahab chose not to notice when his wife worked behind the scenes. Many men turn their heads when they see their wives stepping out of their God-given role. Jezebel knew that she was not the rightful head, so she invoked her husband’s name to give her word authority. Did you ever hears it said, “Oh, my husband will not let me do that,” when you knew in truth he really would not care? It is a way to maintain control and stop those who would question you. When a woman does this, she stops any ministry God has to her.

Jezebel was deeply concerned about spiritual matters and took steps to help promote her spiritual leaders. In the process, she provoked her husband to destroy those in spiritual authority she did not like. Have you ever seen women influencing their husbands to think evil of those in authority because you did not like something about them? When a woman comes to this place she might as well change her name to “Jezebel.”

The fact is that man is made in such a way that he has no defence against the love of a righteous wife, but if he falls into the end of a Jezebel, truly is life will be hell on earth.

Unfortunately for men, with the advent of Democracy and the so called egalitarian approach there are billions of Jezebels in the world and the once manly men have been reduced to weak type of Ahab’s, they have been mentally emasculated and the world is in deep decadence because of that, as we see today.

How many women do you actually know they do this today?: “10 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. 11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” (Pro 31:10-12)

How powerful is the demon of Jezebel?
For seven years, God had carefully protected Elijah. God fed him in the wilderness. When Ahab’s armies sought to kill Elijah, they were unable to lay a single finger on him.
Finally, in a showdown at Mt. Carmel, Elijah called down fire from heaven and resoundingly defeated and killed the priests of Baal. All Israel fell at his feet in repentance, worshipping the true God. Elijah was the man of the hour. He was vindicated, victorious, and clearly in charge.

Nevertheless, when Jezebel sent Elijah a single threat, he suddenly turned coward and fled to the desert. Anxious, depressed, and miserable, he begged God to kill him! Typical of men today, run to the hills. Once I asked one of our secretaries to prepare some papers, I gave her plenty time, but when time came they were not ready, so I let her know my displeasure in no uncertain terms. She looked at me with all the hate she could muster and hissed between her teeth the usual feminist phrase: “you are a male chauvinist”. “Yes” I responded, “on so is my Father for he created them “male And Female””. She looked a me rather violently, I felt she was about to hit me, (be sure that had she done that I would have returned the favor) but she turned around and never talked to me ever again, but the papers were made ready pronto and I had no problem with her with other papers. You see she hated me, but she respected me for I stood my ground. How many men would have done that in these days? Methinks very few.

It makes NO sense. Elijah enjoyed supernatural protection for seven years. He watched fire fall from heaven and defeat his enemies, yet when a single angry woman threatened him one time, he lost every shred of vision and ran away. He moaned in self-pity and depression, begging God to kill him! Surely that was a magnificent display of God’s power and that power was with Elijah, but at a word from Jezebel he forgot all that and ran in fear. Surely that must have annoyed the Lord at least a little, for it seems that in that occasion Elijah feared more Jezebel that the Lord God.

This is a great example of Jezebel’s powerful demonic “anointing” to intimidate, create fear, and cause men of God to withdraw. Jezebel steals our vision. Jezebel will even make us depressed and anxious when there is nothing significantly different in our circumstances. If there are difficult circumstances, this spirit will tell us they are insurmountable, impossible, and overwhelming. Jezebel will make us feel like dying when in reality, we are God’s man of the hour.

Jezebel’s witchcraft will attack key leaders in her targeted area through intimidation. Those under attack may awaken one morning to find it takes effort just to breathe. All joy seems to depart. Spiritual life seems irrelevant. Demonic voices will echo in our minds “something’s wrong with you!” We may suddenly find ourselves in unreasonable anxiety, fearing tragedy or death. Much of what is called “depression” in the ministry is simply Jezebel.

Jezebel wants to paralyze with fear, condemnation, depression, apathy or whatever it takes until we withdraw. The only answer for those under Jezebel’s attack is perseverance in battle. We must remain on course no matter how long it takes!

The sad thing is that she is so successful in her endeavour these days.

The war continues today between Jezebel and Elijah. Like all wars, there are casualties. Leaders sometimes fall. Soldiers sometimes withdraw. Jezebel wants to keep the church and the world within its present boundaries. She claims to decide the extent of the church locally. We must not tolerate this.
What we must do
First, we must rid ourselves of Jezebel’s ways. We cannot cast out lust when we harbor lust in our lives. We cannot bring down a spirit of control if we use manipulation and hype to control our congregations. We must examine our own ways, and repent of Jezebel.
Second, it takes Jehu. Although Elijah was Jezebel’s enemy, it took JEHU to trample Jezebel.

Jehu took no prisoners and showed no mercy to Jezebel. He had singleness of purpose and was driven by it. As he approached Jezebel those who saw his chariot noted he “drives furiously” (2Ki 9:20). When others offered peace and compromise, Jehu responded “How can there be peace as long as the harlotries and witchcrafts of Jezebel are many?” (2Ki 9:22)

This is repeated in the NT: “What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?” (2Co 6:15) NO COMPROMISE

Jehu would not rest until Jezebel was dead. Her pleasures could not attract him. Her threats did not deter him. He would not tolerate Jezebel.

Jesus says we too cannot TOLERATE Jezebel. (Rev 2:20) We must learn the prophetic power of the word “No!” We must give no ground.

When Jezebel attempted to captivate Jehu, he did not even allow himself to be drawn into conversation with her. Instead, he called on her eunuchs (a type of today’s men) to cast her down from her balcony. Those with the Jehu anointing will call to Jezebel’s emasculated slaves to rise up above their miserable situation, and they too will cast her down, and be set free.

“NO” is the operative word against Jezebel, when those in spiritual authority say “NO” to her, she is ready for war. Remember, Jezebel is a warring spirit who is always dressed for battle.

Brothers, the time is over nigh, the time is well passed, but we must stand and we must rise up and regain our God given position. What shall we say to our beloved Master, Christ Jesus, when He will ask us: “what have you done with the life I gave you?”. There will be lowering of heads and faint voices: “You know, o Lord”.

We must work all of one accord with a Trowel in one hand a Sword in the other.

“16 ¶ From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. And the leaders stood behind the whole house of Judah, 17 who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in such a way that each laboured on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other. 18 And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me.” (Neh 4:16-18)

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